Nialli - How to build a Nialli Visual Planner

    How to build a Nialli Visual Planner

    Step 1 - Create Trades

    Once the Nialli Visual Planner is open some settings need to be completed allowing the project to be created.

    Select 'Settings' from the side menu.

    The trades required for the project can be created. This mean they are totally bespoke and customisable. These trades will then be added to the relevant activity when the activity is created.

    Step 2 - Create variances

    Staying in the 'Settings' menu select variances. There are a selection of defaults but again customisation is possible by selecting  'Add variance'. These variances will be used should an activity become stalled.

    Step 3 - Lane building

    when the Nialli Visual Planner is first open there will be some default lanes for a project outline. These working streams can be edited. Right hand click a Lane and select 'Edit lane' or 'Add lane'. Rename as required to match the project and select the duration of the lane from the calender.


    Step 4 - Adding activities

    Activities are the bedrock of the visual planner, adding clarity and objectives to the processing of information transition. 

    Select 'Add activity' from the side menu and start to populate the activity. Notice at this point the trades are available that were created in Step 1. Additions are the number of days this particular activity will take and the crew size required. This information is particularly useful when analysis of the project is undertaken.




    The created activity will automatically be added tot he 'Parking lot' at the bottom of the Nialli Visual Planner ready to be dragged into position for a specific 'Lane' and start date. Right hand clicking on the activity will allow the activity to be edited but importantly allow the status to be upgraded as the project progresses.

    Notice that at the bottom of the edit menu a constraint can be logged against the activity. This allows a clear transparent view of the planning process.

    Any constraints can then be viewed as a constraint log from the left hand margin of the software.


    The Visual Planner can be developed further by linking activities together, but in essence you are now up and running.


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